1,110 new cases confirmed in Ireland TheJournal.ie

Public health officials have confirmed 1,110 new cases of Covid-19 in Ireland.

The Ministry of Health reported that 89 patients with Covid-19 are in hospital today, including 21 people in the intensive care unit.

The deputy chief medical officer, Dr. Ronan Glenn, said nearly 7,700 cases of coronavirus disease had been notified in the past seven days, an increase of 88% over the previous week.

Infection rates have increased in each county over the past seven days. The counties with the highest infection rates in 14 days are:

  • Donegal (725 cases per 100,000 population),
  • Louth (474 ​​cases per 100,000 population),
  • Dublin (307 cases per 100,000 population),
  • Limerick (258 cases per 100,000),
  • Galway (257 cases per 100,000).

“During a period of good weather, we know that the vast majority of people continue to protect themselves and others by following public health advice,” Dr. Glenn said.

This remains really important as we strive to protect as many people as possible through vaccination over the coming weeks.

yesterday, 1,071 cases of Covid-19 101 patients have been reported ill in hospital, 20 of whom are in intensive care.

Data on the number of Covid-19-related deaths, as well as case numbers by county, were affected by the cyberattack on HSE IT systems.

Today’s numbers did not include any information on whether there have been any further deaths from the virus.

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Dr. Glenn added that Covid-19 vaccines are extraordinarily effective in reducing everyone’s risk of hospitalization or severe illness.

«Vaccines along with basic public health advice remain our way out of this pandemic – please take advantage of the opportunity to be protected through vaccination when it is offered to you,» he said.

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