New Democratic Unionist Party leader Jeffrey Donaldson was shaken by the Moroccan Liberation Army’s resignation on the first day

The leader of the new DUP party, Jeffrey Donaldson was affected by the resignation of the Stormont Anti-Money Laundering Act.

Alex Easton’s statement announcing his decision to withdraw from the party comes after 21 years in Donaldson’s first full day in the leadership role.

The Army of North Down, which will now sit as independent, cited a lack of «respect, discipline or decency» within the DUP as one of the reasons for its withdrawal from the party.

His move comes after two months of unprecedented internal turmoil for the party.

Bitter divisions within the party emerged after successive revolutions ousted former leader Arlene Foster and then her successor Edwin Potts, who resigned after just 21 days in office.

Potts’ demise came just weeks after Donaldson was narrowly defeated in the leadership contest to succeed Foster.

Easton announced his resignation in a statement reported by Co Down Spectator and The Belfast Telegraph yesterday.

Several party council members also withdrew from the DUP in recent weeks.

«It is with great sadness and pain that I find myself doing one of the hardest things in my life and resigning from the DUP,» Easton said.

“I had to step back and watch the colleagues tear themselves up, get close to my other teammates and run to the media in order to hurt each other on a daily basis. There is no respect, discipline or decency, I just had enough.

«It’s not something I want to be a part of as a unionist – it’s not Alex Easton. Regardless of the people who supported during the last leadership contest, I find elements on both sides equally responsible for the recent events, and it continues.»

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After being officially endorsed as leader by members of the DUP executive branch last night, Donaldson pledged to unite the party after several weeks of turmoil.

Donaldson also said he expected British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to «correct the error» in the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The chief executive of the 130-strong party gathered at the La Mon Hotel to approve his appointment yesterday.

Donaldson, the 58-year-old Westminster leader, was the only candidate to submit his name to lead the DUP after Potts’ dramatic resignation earlier this month.

Speaking to the media after his leadership role was confirmed, Donaldson said: «What we’ve seen tonight is our party coming together, recovering, uniting, looking to the future and drawing a line on the past.

“There are many challenges ahead but I am now confident that DUP will meet these challenges together.

“I am confident that the party will now advance towards the assembly elections and I intend to work to ensure that the DUP wins again in the elections.

«It is my intention over the coming weeks and months to go out, to and across Northern Ireland, to meet people, to listen to what people have to say, to understand their concerns, and then we will endeavor to address those concerns.»

Referring to the recent rift within the party, Donaldson said: «There’s been a lot of talk, I’ve been spending time over the past few days talking quietly with colleagues, including Edwin[Potts].

«There were things we said to each other, realizing the damage done. I think that was good, it was a party facilitator and I think there is now a unified resolve. There is a desire to unite and meet, because our strength is in our unity.»

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Donaldson also referred to the ongoing disagreement over the Northern Ireland Protocol after yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling said it went against the legislation that created the UK but is still legal.

Donaldson said: «I have told the Prime Minister in the House of Commons that the Protocol affects not only trade, it affects our Constitution. Government has a duty to correct what has been done.

At the heart of the agreement that protects the peace process is the principle of consent. I expect the Prime Minister to correct this error, and I expect the Prime Minister to take the action required to restore our standing within the UK.»

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The new leader made clear his intention to return from Westminster to take up the position of First Minister at Stormont.

However, the timeline for this move is still unclear. He will have to hold a parliamentary by-election in the Lagan Valley in order to get back into the assembly, and it is unclear whether he will want to spark such a contest in the near future, given the recent weak DUP poll rates.

Donaldson is due to give his first major speech as party leader at a Belfast hotel this morning.

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