The Ministry of Health has updated the advice on what the symptoms of a delta variant look like now

The Ministry of Health has advised that the public should look out for various symptoms of Covid-19 as the delta variant is spreading across the country.

The symptoms associated with the delta variant differ from those of the alpha and earlier variants, NPHET said, with sore throat, runny nose and headache being potential indicators of illness, rather than the cough and fever that were closer indicated with the earlier variants.

At an NPHET briefing this afternoon, Medical Vice President Dr. Ronan Glenn said anyone with these symptoms should be isolated and tested for Covid-19.

«Recent data shows clear increases in disease cases across the country,» he said. «There is no doubt that the delta variant has a significant impact on the transmission of COVID-19.»

Delta also appears to present with a variety of symptoms not seen with other variants, including headaches, sore throats, and a stuffy or runny nose. If you have any cold or flu symptoms, it is essential that you isolate immediately and arrange for testing.”

This symptom update comes as public health officials confirmed 783 new cases of Covid-19 in Ireland.

The Ministry of Health reported that 73 patients with the disease are in hospital today, including 20 in intensive care units.

Data on the number of deaths related to the coronavirus disease, as well as the numbers of cases by county, were affected by the cyberattack on health, safety and environment IT systems.

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Speaking at today’s press conference, Dr. Glenn said there were 12 deaths in June, and one so far in July.

He said recent data show clear increases in disease cases across the country.

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