UK government discusses first role of ministers in Northern Ireland after elections

The UK government will speak to Northern Ireland’s political parties after this year’s Council elections about the possibility of reforming the roles of First Minister and Deputy First Minister.

In the UK House of Lords, Labor counterpart Margaret Ritchie called for the Northern Ireland (Ministers, Elections and Petitions of Concern) bill to be amended so that the two largest leadership positions in the Assembly would be equal first ministers, rather than the leader. and deputy.

The proposals came after ministers scrapped proposals to allow «dual jobs», which would allow politicians to sit as Member of Parliament in Westminster and member of the Legislative Assembly in Stormont.

Ritchie told colleagues her amendment would take the divisive rhetoric of the election campaign, in which political parties warn voters that their opponents, whether from unionists or nationalists, could win power.

This year’s Stormont election takes place on May 5, and campaigning escalates before polling.

Northern Ireland Minister Jonathan Keane asked Ritchie to withdraw, but said: «These issues are not going away. After the election, regardless of the outcome of that election, I – the Government is very happy – to have a discussion with the political parties to test the willingness to make any further reforms along the lines of It was suggested in the discussion.”

Ritchie withdrew her amendment, but added: «Because the political situation is particularly fragile, and I think others have pointed out on this particular issue, my fear is that we may not confront these political situations in a permanent way, in a way that is capable in Northern Ireland in a post-election sense, because All the turmoil, not necessarily entirely but mostly because of elections and other political issues that sought to threaten those very institutions.»

Keane emphasized that the government would cancel its plans to allow «dual jobs».

Under the proposal, MLAs could be elected and remain as Members of Parliament until the next general election. Only at this point will they have to vacate their parliamentary seat.

Critics claimed that the move was an attempt to facilitate DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson’s planned return to Stormont, allowing him to contest the upcoming Assembly elections while remaining the Lagan Valley Representative and avoiding a potentially difficult by-election for his party.

Donaldson denied that his party had struck a deal with the government on the issue.

Six Stormont parties wrote an open letter to the prime minister on Tuesday calling for the «dual jobs» scheme to be abandoned.

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Before discussing the legislation in the House of Lords this afternoon, Johnson told the Prime Minister’s questions that the amendment had been withdrawn.

He was responding to a question from the Chairman of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, Simon Hoare.

“The vast majority of people and politicians across Northern Ireland think that whatever the question is, dual function is not the answer. Shall I urge him to listen to the majority and ask him not to propose the government reshuffle later today?” Hoare said.

The Prime Minister replied, «I have been informed that the amendment in question will already be withdrawn.»

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