The US intelligence community admits two theories about the origin of Covid-19

The US intelligence community acknowledged Thursday that its agencies have two theories about where Covid-19 originated,…

Covid-19 Ireland: 436 new cases confirmed as government deals with more vaccine delays

This evening, the Ministry of Health confirmed 436 new cases of Covid-19 in Ireland. The number…

Vaccination portal opened for over-18s in Northern Ireland

The Covid-19 vaccination program in Northern Ireland has been opened to all people 18 years of…

70% of adults in NI receive their first dose of vaccine

More than 70% of the adult population in Northern Ireland received the first dose of the…

Biden orders intelligence agencies to investigate the origins of Covid-19

Updated 49 minutes ago US President Joe Biden today ordered US intelligence agencies to inform him…

The court hears that women do not get abortions in NI

Northern Ireland’s Supreme Court has heard that women do not have access to abortion services 14…

Dublin Conservation Project wins the Grand European Heritage Prize

A three-year conservation project showing the potential to «live in store» on Liffey’s docks in Dublin…

Edwin Potts says relations between North and South have never been worse

The leader of the New Federal Democratic Party in the Stormont Assembly claimed that relations between…

Biden hosts the Floyd family on the anniversary of the murder

Today, US President Joe Biden celebrates the anniversary of the police murder of George Floyd by…

European Union leaders agree on new sanctions against Belarus after the «unacceptable hijacking» of Ryanair’s flight

European leaders agreed to impose new sanctions against Belarus, its aviation sector and businesses in support…